Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog

Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Front Cover
Most Mattel collectors don't realize that the 1968 Catalog also had a Toy Fair version. In this initial offering, the catalog was printed with a white background. This was changed to blue for the normal fall version. So I believe that this catalog is the actual first appearance of Hot Wheels and much more significant than the regular "Fall" Catalog. This catalog seems to sell for quite a bit when at auction, probably to Hot Wheels collectors.

Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 11
Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 12
Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 13
Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 14
Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 15

Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 16
Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 17
Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 18

Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 24
Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Pg 25

Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Catalog Back Cover


For some reason the price sheet is usually not saved with the catalog - it may have been due to pricing variability, in any case, here's a look at the price lists for MMM toys in 1968.

Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Price List Front Cover
Mattel 1968 "Toy Fair" Price List MMM Page

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2023 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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