1967.11.16 Lockport NY Union Sun Journal Page 5-GG "Why Toyland Looks Colorful" (no byline)

1967.11.16  Lockport NY Union Sun Journal Page 5-GG
About a half-page of images related to potential toy gifts, one image reused in other articles (kid playing with the space station). The anchor article is about toy design and color.
1967.11.16  Lockport NY Union Sun Journal Page 5-GG "Why Toyland Looks Colorful"

Why Toyland Looks Colorful

"You're licked before you start if colors aren't properly used."

This comment on toy design comes from an authority in the pre-school toy field, and furnishes one good reason why this year's crop of Christmas toys appears unusually colorful.

While many factors must be weighed when a toy is designed, color properly used should be a first consideration, says search and development at Fisher-Price Toys, East Aurora, N.Y.

Studies show that children have strong preferences for gaily-colored toys. They distinctly prefer certain colors over others.

primary colors and the secondaries appeal most to pre-schoolers - and the brighter the colors, the better, says Mr. Hicks. Interest in pastel colors develop later.

The very young child - under two - seems to like reds and yellows, with blues taking a back seat.

1967.11.16  Lockport NY Union Sun Journal Page 5-GG Space Station Play Image

SANTA'S SPACE PROGRAM INTRODUCES ASTRONAUT - Matt Mason. Six inches tall, Major Mason has a special environmental Moon Suit, an all-purpose Space Crawler, a Space Sled and Jet Propulsion Pack - and, of course, a complete Space Station for operational headquarters. Toys are based on official space program designs.

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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