John Eaton
Me - I've changed quite a bit over time, when I first started I had hair down to my waist - time has taken its toll and I've had a shaved head since around 2015. I'm administrator of the MAJOR MATT MASON Facebook group and you can friend me there if you feel like you know me.
Paul Vreede
Paul has been a regular contributor pretty much since the beginning, first posting insightful posts to the original MMM LISTSRV and later helping me to both edit/translate foreign content (he's in Belgium ) and writing the Rumours and Reproductions section of the site.
(list of contributions below)
I'll attempt to keep everyone else in alphabetical order by last name. Contributions follow.
- Terry Akin
- Dan Arnold
- MMM TV and Movie Appearances (2017)
- MMM Customization - Figure Repaint (2018.01.26)
- Custom Tonka Crater Crawler Conversion (2018)
- Collection Display (2020.03.22)
- Shawn Bain
- David Benz
- Collection Display (2000)
- MMM Restoration - Removing Scratches
- MMM Restoration - Restringing the Jet Propulsion Pak
- MMM Toy Story
- Mark Blackwell
- Mike Blanchard
- Donald Bledsoe
- Simone Bregni
- Joseph C. Brown
- Dave Bryant
- Simone Bregni
- Bill Bulloch
- Charles Burke
- Gary Cambridge
- Paul Cameron
- Larry Chinn
- Richard W. Clarke
- Rick Collier
- Mark Courtney
- Steve DeLong
- Gary Dawson
- Christian de Grandpré
- Prototype Major Matt Mason figure
- Various handheld Replacement items
- Mattel Canada Ltd La Presse 1969 Advert
- Collection Video (VHS to DVD transfer)
- Toby Denham
- MMM Restoration - Captain Lazer Light Fix
- Space Crawler Restoration - Motor Cleaning and Spring Technique
- Custom Motorized Cat-Trac (2001)
- MMM - The Written Word
- Joe Dennis
- Peter DiBenedetto
- Admin of Major Matt Mason Group on Facebook
- Christmas Video using Frank May's Orbital Space Station
- Peter's Major Matt Mason Playlist
- MMM Christmas Images
- Collection Display (2012)
- Alan Dismukes
- Norman Easterday
- John Eaton
- Most published articles, content and images
- MMM Sightings, Meetings and Events
- Collection Display (1997)
- MMM Toy Story
- Thomas Farrell
- Mike Ferguson
- Jon Foshee
- Joel Foust
- Martin Gainsford
- Cam Gilchrist
- Billy Grisack
- John Guerrati
- Richard Hallock
- Jim Hampton
- Custom Figure Slip Cards
- Custom Mego Matt Mason
- Restoration - Figure Repainting and Rewiring
- Collection Display (2020)
- MMM Toy Story
- Claude Hanssens
- Larry Harris
- Craig Hedges
- Jeff Hendricks
- Heiner Horstmann (RIP)
- Matt Jenson
- William Kakousky
- Joe Kerezman
- Ray Kolasa
- MMM Sunworthy Wallpaper Book
- MMM Sightings, Meetings & Events
- Toy Collector and Price Guide February 1996
- Todd Langston
- Tom Langland
- James Lechner
- Jay Lee
- Roger Lepre (RIP)
- Pat LeBlanc
- Custom X-RV Lifting Body (2002)
- Custom Orbital Space Station (2002)
- Custom Lunar Rover (2002)
- Custom Lunar Module (2003)
- Custom Soviet SK Lander (2003)
- Custom Mercury Capsule (2004)
- Custom MAC Ship (2006)
- Custom Gemini Capsule (2012)
- Custom Lunar Lander (2015)
- Custom Space Ship Case Replacement Parts (2015)
- Custom Space Ship Case V2 (2015)
- Custom Space:1999 Ultra Probe Command Module (2015)
- Custom Flying Superhero Major Matt Mason (2016)
- Custom Propelled MRG Glider (2016)
- Custom X-20 Dynasaur (2017)
- Custom Early LEM (2018)
- Custom Mobile Launch Platform (2018)
- Custom Tonka Crater Crawler Conversion (2018)
- Custom Mobile Attack LEM (2019)
- Custom X-RV2 (2019)
- Custom XRG-2 Glider (2019)
- Custom Apollo Command Service Module (2020)
- Custom Skylab (Maroon Version) (2020)
- Custom Buck Rogers Starfighter (2021)
- Custom Electronic Space Station Winch (2021)
- Custom Moonmat and Vacuform Craters (2021)
- Custom Turtle Transporter from BLB (2021)
- Custom Mobile Habitation Modules (2022)
- Custom Major Matt Mason Halloween Mask (2024)
- MMM Patents Discovery
- Collection Display (2021)
- Vintage Photos
- Pat's YouTube Channel
- Ken Mallach
- James Manahan
- Debbie Martin
- Frank May
- Reproduction Or & Orbitor (1998)
- Reproduction Space Rover (1999)
- Custom Space Mobile 6 (2002)
- Custom Mobile Lunar Lab (2007)
- Custom Lunar Prospector (2007)
- Custom Tonka Crater Crawler (2008)
- Custom Orbital Space Station (2008)
- MMM Christmas Images
- MMM Toy Story
- Marty McCray
- William McEwen
- Dan McGinnis
- Dale Melbie
- Tim Merchak
- Scott Metzger
- John Michlig
- Vintage Photos
- Baby Boomer Collectibles November 1993 Vol. 1 No. 2
- ToyFare Magazine No. 19 March 1999
- Patrick Miller
- Gary Mohrman
- Scott Morrissey
- Dan Nicewander
- Ted Nomura
- Bob Paluch
- Mark Perdue
- Alec Peters
- MMM Restoration - Parts Cleaning
- MMM Newsletters (Ed)
- Fake Doug Davis Card (2001)
- MMM Sightings, Meetings and Events
- Collection Display Multiple Years
- Rick Porter
- Norm Powell
- Jon Jon R
- Michael Ratzloff
- Rob Reid
- Wayne Reid
- Rusty Reiser
- David Richardson
- George Ruboyianes
- Buzz Ryan
- Stephen Salmon
- Andreas Schacht
- Ignaz Schwinn
- Amaury Diaz Serrano
- Custom The Rocket (Custom Spaceship) (2012)
- Custom Moon Lander (Lunar Lander) (2012)
- Custom Space Interceptor (2013)
- Custom XRG-2 (2013)
- Custom XRG-2 Fighter (2013)
- Custom Fighter 20 (2019)
- Custom Gemini Rocket (2019)
- Custom Moon Speeder (Snow Speeder) (2020)
- Custom Pods (2020)
- Custom Recono 68 (2020)
- Custom Moon Base (2021)
- Custom Moon Rover (2021)
- Custom Space Scooters (2021)
- Satellite Cannon MND (2021)
- Custom Workbee (2021)
- Custom XRG-3 Pan Am (2021)
- Custom Fantasy Spaceship (MMM Intercepter) (2022)
- Custom Space Roller (2022)
- Collection Display (2022)
- Amaury's Facebook Artist Page
- Amaury's YouTube Channel
- Joe Sikora
- Michael Skelton
- Greg Stewart
- Rob Stone
- Patrick Storto
- Space Oddities - Discolored Callisto
- Restoration - Figure Repainting and Rewiring
- Restoration - Replacement Moon Suit Arms
- Lee Sullivan
- Mike Sullivan
- Claude Switzer
- Bob Tracey
- Larry Turoski
- Thierry Voreux
- Paul Vreede
- Most of the Rumours & Reproductions area (1998)
- French JR #6308 Station Spatiale
- German Language Capt. Laser
- Mattel International Printing Plate
- Mattel International 1969 Promotional Brochure
- Italian Comic Story "Gli Esploratori Dello Spazio" from Corriere dei Piccoli (1969)
- MMM ads from Corriere dei Piccoli (1969)
- MMM Patents Discovery
- MMM Fun Photoshop Images
- MMM Christmas Images
- MMM Toy Story
- Vintage Photos
- Rob Waite
- Graeme Walker
- Randall Wall
- Free Replacement Stickers Custom
- Cat Trac 2 Custom
- Clamshell Astronaut Backer Cards Custom
- MMM Fun Photoshop Images
- Collection Display (2019)
- Steven Ward
- Thomas Webb
- Thomas Wentland Jr
- Marc Whiting
- Dennis Widner
- Mark Wolfe
- Steven York
- Robert Yowell
- Bill Ystrom
As always, if you see something that's inaccurate, want to have your information updated/removed or want to contribute, contact me.
All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.
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