Site Contributors

I thought I would list out the many contributors to the site in one place (also makes things easier from a site management perspective).  Clicking the image and/or name provides a contact path if available (unfortunately I've lost contact with many), mostly on Facebook. I've also included Toy Story and Collection Display link if there is either.

If someone has been left out, its totally unintentional, let me know and I'll update the page (conversely if you don't want to be on the page contact me and I'll remove you).

John Eaton

Me - I've changed quite a bit over time, when I first started I had hair down to my waist - time has taken its toll and I've had a shaved head since around 2015. I'm administrator of the MAJOR MATT MASON Facebook group and you can friend me there if you feel like you know me.

John Eaton's MMM Toy Story.

Paul Vreede

Paul has been a regular contributor pretty much since the beginning, first posting insightful posts to the original MMM LISTSRV and later helping me to both edit/translate foreign content (he's in Belgium ) and writing the Rumours and Reproductions section of the site.

Paul Vreede's MMM Toy Story

(list of contributions below)

I'll attempt to keep everyone else in alphabetical order by last name. Contributions follow.

As always, if you see something that's inaccurate, want to have your information updated/removed or want to contribute, contact me.

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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