Toy Story - Wayne Reid

 Original MMM LISTSERV submission from around 2001

Hello all,

I am 36 and grew up in central Florida at the height of the space race. Luckily for me my Dad was into the developing space program and everything that was going on at Cape Canaveral.

At one time I had just about every MMM toy made. Unfortunately over time they did not survive trips to the beach or the sand pile. My two favorite places to play with my MMM stuff.

Fast forward to 1998, I was listening to a local consumer advocate on the radio one day and a caller asked about an antique toy. The toy was a Matt Mason doll and he wondered about it's value. I must have had some repressed memories because as soon as I heard this the search was on.

This list has provided me the opportunity to recapture some great childhood memories. I have bought, sold, and traded some great items from people on the list, and have made a few friends along the way.

Unfortunately for me my wife does not get it and has me on a very short leash. I guess that is probably a good thing because I would have emptied my 401K by now on MMM purchases.

I look forward to future corrospondence on the list as some of it is very entertaining and informative. Good luck to all in your quests to recapture youth and memories.

Sincerely, Wayne Reid 

Wayne is a member of the Major Matt Mason Facebook group and regularly contributes to discussions about toys. He may be e-mailed here

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