Toy Story - Tim Merchak

Original MMM LISTSERV submission from around 2001

I have read a lot of great stories from collectors, so far it seems we are all relatively the same age group 34-41 give or take.

As a kid in the sixties I had all the MMM stuff and loved it, along with Lost in Space Sci Fi played a huge role in the lives of many kids in the sixties. I was not into collecting any of it until very recently.

I married this year and my wife was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, so many of the things we had in America did not make it there. Wy wife is very interested in what went on in the U.S. when I was a kid, shows, toys, movies etc. Well we are also Dark Shadows fans and thanks to the Sci Fi channel we tape two episodes daily. On one of them,(they ran from 68-71) a young boy was in his room and he had on his desk a Crawler ! I stopped the tape and told my wife wow ! I had that exact same toy and proceeded to let her in on Major Matt.

A few days later sitting in front of the PC, I thought, heck, let's do a search for Major Matt Mason and see what comes back. Well not expecting much I did, and what a surprise I found. Groups, and collections and auctions and page after page of MMM stuff !!

Well I was in my glory and showed my wife who thought it was as cool as I did. So we started looking for pieces to buy and well here we are. You really can never grasp or underestimate the power of the Internet, it is incredible.

I Thank everyone who has helped me out there, I have heard from a lot of cool people with MMM, being new I have many questions. I really look forward hearing more from everyone !!

Thank You for listening ! Tim 

Tim is a member of the Major Matt Mason Facebook group and regularly contributes to discussions about toys. He may be e-mailed here

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