CIPSA Art. 4955 Cañón Espacial

4955 Cañón Espacial Box Front

The CIPSA version of the Firebolt Space Canon, the box front features a US release Firebolt piloted by Meteoro. The setting is similar the Extensor de Podor box, with strange large "stars" on the black "space" background. Note that the contents include a cannon with silver/gray parts instead of the Mattel orange/red - this has led some to believe that the silver Firebolts are prototypes.

Spanish translations by Paul Vreede:

Poderosa arma para derribar las naves enemígas, en defensa de nuestra galaxia. - Powerful weapon to knock down enemy ships, in defense of our galaxy.

Radar automático que gira velozmente en busco de Scorpio. - Automatic radar that quickly rotates in search of Scorpio.

Cañón que realmente dispara rayos de luz intermitente. - Tube that really disperses intermittent rays of light.

Torre del canon con movimiento eléctrico en forma circular. - Top of the canon with electric movement in a circular pattern.

Camina impulsado por su propio mecanismo. - It moves by its own mechanism.

Tablero de instrumentos con iluminación. - Panel of illuminated instruments.

Emite intenso sonido de ataque espacial. - Emits intense space attack sounds. 

4955 Cañón Espacial Box Ends
One end has the same verbage as listed on the box front (above), while the other end has the following, along with the typical CIPSA "Garantía."

Poderosa arma para derribar las naves enemigas, en defensa de nuestra galaxia. - Powerful weapon to knock down enemy ships, in defense of our galaxy.
GARANTIA - Guarantee 
Cipsa garantiza tus juguetes eléctricos o mecánicos por 180 días, y los no eléctricos o no mecánicos por 90 dias. (Deberá presentarse nota de compra). - Cipsa guarantees your electric or mechanical toys for 180 days, and non-electric or non-mechanical toys for 90 days. (Purchase note must be presented).

Si tu juguete presenta algún defecto o pieza faltante, llévalo a la dirección anotada. Si vives en el interior, envialo por correo certificado.

Los daños ocasionados por descuido o mal uso, no serán cubiertos por esta garantia.
- If your toy has a defect or missing part, take it to the address listed. If you live in the interior, send it by certified mail.

Datos remitente: - Sender information:
Nombre - Name
Dirección - Address
Ciudad - City
Estado - State
Datos del juguete: Toy data:
Nombre -  Name
Fecha de compra - Date of purchase
Defecto - Flaw

Cia. Industrial de Plásticos, S. A. Lago Texcoco No. 112 Col. Anáhuac, México 17, D. F.

Funciona con 2 baterias "D", no incluidas. - Functions with 2 "D" batteries, not included.

La figura no se incluye - The figure is not included.

Art. 4955 
4955 Cañón Espacial Box Back
Capitán Meteoro en la batalla cósmica - Captain Meteor in the cosmic battle

Para niños mayores de 3 años - For children older than 3 years.

Poderosa arma para derribar las naves enemígas, en defensa de nuestra galaxia. - Powerful weapon to knock down enemy ships, in defense of our galaxy.

Cañón que realmente dispara rayos de luz intermitente. - Tube that really disperses intermittent rays of light.

Radar automático que gira velozmente en busco de Scorpio. - Automatic radar that quickly rotates in search of Scorpio.

Torre del cañón con movimiento eléctrico en forma circular. - Top of the canon with electric movement in a circular pattern.

Camina poderosamente impulsado por su propio mecanismo. - Moves powerfully driven by its own mechanism.

Tablero de instrumentos con iluminación. - Panel of illuminated instruments.

Emite intenso sonido de ataque espacial. - Emits intense space attack sounds.

4955 Cañón Espacial Box Back Detail 1
4955 Cañón Espacial Box Back Detail 2
4955 Cañón Espacial Box Back Detail 3
4955 Cañón Espacial Box Sides
The sides of the box sport the usual preview of other items offered in the Meteoro toy line: Capitán Meteoro, Cámara Antigravedad and Estación Espacial. Also, the line of text:

!Busca las fabulosas figuras y equipos espaciales del intrépido Capitán Meteoro! - Search (look for) the fabulous space figures and equipment of the intrepid Captain Meteor!

Sticker Sheet:


CIPSA #4955 Cañon Espacial (Firebolt Space Cannon)

The Mexican version of the Firebolt Space Canon. Text in Spanish.

John's Notes:

The Cañón Espacial is made of white and silver plastic (what is usually orange/red in the Mattel version is silver in the CIPSA version), similar to the silver/gray girders pictured on MMM boxes and presumed to be prototypes. Also, the control panel is completely different...sporting different graphics. The dish-antenna is also silver and different from the US version. 

Space Canon (left) vs Cañón Espacial (right)
Space Canon (left) vs Cañón Espacial (right)
Space Canon (left) vs Cañón Espacial (right)

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton or Paul Vreede.

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