CIPSA Art. 4928 Cápsula Cósmica

Art. 4928 Cápsula Cósmica Box Front/Back
A rehash of the Space Power Suit, Cápsula Cósmica appears on the colorful box front. It shows Capitán Meteoro in more detail inside the suit: Sgt Storm in an all-white suit (including gloves, leg-pockets, boots & bellows) with red straps, black buckles & zipper. The stars & stripes have been replaced by a black (blue?) rectangle featuring a yellow (gold?) blotch in the middle with 7-8 white dots around it - probably representing the solar system. The power socket at belly level is black (blue?) with a red center in thin circle left white. Glove & boot cuffs have a small red dot on the molded button. Helmet is the regular MMM item unlike what was sold with the figure by CIPSA. 

Cápsula Cósmica - Unidad portátil de defensa - Space Capsule - Portable defense unit

Cubierta espacial antirradioactiva para defenderse de ataques extraterrestres. Tenaza desintegradora de control remoto. Barra defensora de alto poder. Plataformas reguladoras de gravedad. - La figura no se incluye. - Anti-radioactive space cover to defend against extraterrestrial attack. Remote-controlled disintegrating gripper. Defensive bar of high power. Gravity-regulating platforms. - Figure not included.

Hecho en México par Cia. Industrial de Plásticos, S.A. Lago Texcoco No.112, México 17, D.F. Bajo Licencia de Mattel Inc. (c) 1968. Derechos reservados bajo las Convenciones Internacional y Panamericana. Para niñas mayores de 3 años. - Made in Mexico by Cia. Industrial de Plásticos, S.A. Lago Texcoco No.112, Mexico 17, D.F. Under license from Mattel Inc. (c) 1968. Rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Conventions. For children older than 3 years. (this is also found at bottom of instructions) 

Art. 4928 Cápsula Cósmica Box Long Sides
Shows 3 play sets each, stating:
ÍBusca las fabulosas figuras y equipos espaciales del intrépido Capitán Meteoro! - Search (look for) the fabulous space figures and equipment of the intrepid Captain Meteor!
Cañón Espacial - Space Cannon
Estación Espacial - Space Station
Cámara Antigravedad - Antigravity Chamber
Art. 4928 Cápsula Cósmica Box Ends
Unidad portátil de defensa - Portable defense unit

Art. No. 4928 () Box side also has a second smaller code nr (?) C. 800953. Instruction sheet has the code CLAVE 817437 in lower right corner. Might be printers codes, but doubt it... 

Art. 4928 Cápsula Cósmica Box Contents

Sticker Sheet

The sticker sheet is predominantly printed in red, except for the 2 front dials which are mostly cyan in colour. The stickers shown on the box illustration appear to be the regular-coloured US items.       


CIPSA #4925 Cápsula Cósmica (Space Power Suit)

The Mexican version of the Space Power Suit. Instruction sheet has the code CLAVE 817437 in lower right corner. Might be printers codes, but doubt it...

Rear of instructions is blank.


John's Notes:

As with other CIPSA items, any "made in" or other embossed copyrights or origins remain from Mattel's previous use. The bottom of the Power Suit itself has the regular markings molded in: SPACE POWER SUIT TM - © 1968 MATTEL. INC. - HONG KONG and 6344-014 (the power suit bottom being part 14 of the entire 6344 assembly).

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton or Paul Vreede.

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