CIPSA Art. 4993 Cripton El Perverso!

Cripton El Perverso!
A rehash of Callisto, Cripton appears on the colorful CIPSA-produced box front with the same appearance as the US release, including purple sensor and pump. Inside the box, however (loose with no inserts and Spanish instruction sheet), the figure differs in that it is molded in a semi-translucent green with bright blue boots and very few painted details.  

Spanish translations by Paul Vreede: 

CIPSA Cripton Box Front
Cripton El Perverso ! - Cripton the perverse (evil one)!
Ultra enemigo del Capitan Meteoro -
Worst enemy of Captain Meteor
Junto con Scorpio tienen la misión de destuir al intrépido Capitan Meteoro. -
Together with Scorpio they have the mission of destroying the brave Capitan Meteoro.  

Con su poderosa arma desintegra cualquier obstáculo que intente entorpecer su maléfico plan destructor. -
With his powerful weapon, disintegrates any obstacle that intends to foil his malicious destructive plan.

CIPSA Cripton Box Back

Common to all the Cipsa boxes is a gallery of other toy offerings in the Meteoro toy line.

!Busca las fabulosas figuras y equipos espaciales del intrépido Capitán Meteoro! - Search (look for) the fabulous space figures and equipment of the intrepid Captain Meteor!

Capitán Meteoro - Captain Meteor

Cámara Antigravedad - Antigravity Chamber

Cañón Espacial - Space Cannon

Atomo - Atom

Estación Espacial - Space Station

Scorpio - Scorpio

Hecho en México par Cia. Industrial de Plásticos, S.A. Lago Texcoco No.112, México 17, D.F. Bajo Licencia de Mattel Inc. (c) 1970. Derechos reservados bajo las Convenciones Internacional y Panamericana. - Made in Mexico by Cia. Industrial de Plasticos, S.A. Lago Texcoco No.112, Mexico 17, D.F. Under license from Mattel Inc. (c) 1970. Rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Conventions.

CIPSA Cripton Box Right Side

Capitán Meteoro en la batalla cósmica - Captain Meteor in the cosmic battle
Cripton El Perverso ! -
Cripton the perverse (evil one)!
Ultra enemigo del Capitan Meteoro -
Worst enemy of Captain Meteor
Tenebroso ser extraterrestre, quien con su poderosa arma desintegradora, planea junto con Scorpio apoderarse de planetas indefensos. Su primer objetivo es destruir al intrépido Capitán Meteoro. -
Dark/mysterious extraterrestrial being, who with his powerful disintegrating weapon, plans together with Scorpio to subdue indefensible planets. His first objective is to destroy the intrepid Captain Meteor.
Art. 4993

CIPSA Cripton Box Left Side

Cripton El Perverso ! - Cripton the perverse (evil one)!
Ultra enemigo del Capitán Meteoro -
Worst enemy of Captain Meteor
Para niños mayores de 3 años -
For children older than 3 years.

GARANTIA - Guarantee 
Cipsa garantiza tus juguetes eléctricos o mecánicos por 180 días, y los no eléctricos o no mecánicos por 90 dias. (Deberá presentarse nota de compra). - Cipsa guarantees your electric or mechanical toys for 180 days, and non-electric or non-mechanical toys for 90 days. (Purchase note must be presented).

Si tu juguete presenta algún defecto o pieza faltante, llévalo a la dirección anotada. Si vives en el interior, envialo por correo certificado.

Los daños ocasionados por descuido o mal uso, no serán cubiertos por esta garantia.
- If your toy has a defect or missing part, take it to the address listed. If you live in the interior, send it by certified mail.

Datos remitente: - Sender information:
Nombre - Name
Dirección - Address
Ciudad - City
Estado - State
Datos del juguete: Toy data:
Nombre -  Name
Fecha de compra - Date of purchase
Defecto - Flaw

Cia. Industrial de Plásticos, S. A. Lago Texcoco No. 112 Col. Anáhuac, México 17, D. F.

CIPSA Cripton Box Ends
Cripton El Perverso ! - Cripton the perverse (evil one)!
Ultra enemigo del Capitán Meteoro - Worst enemy of Captain Meteor
Capitán Meteoro en la batalla cósmica - Captain Meteor in the cosmic battle

CIPSA Cripton Box Contents

Cripton floats loose in the box with no inserts and Spanish instruction sheet. The figure differs in that it is molded in a semi-translucent green with bright blue boots and very little painted details. The accessories are molded in an ugly dark brown (with a gold-brown string instead of the yellow-gold) and the decal sheet is cheaply made (crappy pulp paper) and lacking detail.

* Instrucciones - Instructions

CIPSA #4993 Cripton (Callisto)

Cripton was the CIPSA of Mexico version of Callisto's "Evil Twin."

Sticker Sheet:

John's Notes:

Cripton can be found loose in Mexico and in the various online markets, often with broken wires and a lot of damage. His accessories are often melted if stored with a figure - seems this is very common with the soft plastic used in the molding process. I believe the Cripton variation to be quite rare boxed, having only seen a very few examples.

Cripton may be found more commonly as Callisto in multiple variations, within several card variations and boxed playsets. I've listed most of the card variations above. He may also be found in:

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton and/or Paul Vreede.

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