Gamble-Aldens 1970 Christmas Catalog

Gamble-Aldens 1970 Christmas Catalog Cover
For 1970 Gamble-Aldens went from a two-page spread of MMM toys to less than a quarter page, sharing the page with Billy Blastoff (with Robbie Robot!), Sea Devil's Commander Carter and Remco's Adventure Boy. This so corresponds with Mattel's shift away from space toys with the only products being offered those that had already been in development.

Gamble-Aldens 1970 Christmas Catalog Page 82


[3] MAJOR MATT MASON Set by Mattel. He "flys" through space simulated weightless flight and says: "Mission accomplished! Returning to ship." Matt Mason with helmet, voice command flight pak, decals, instructions included. Mail.
85 Y 7658E - 3 lb. ...7.99 Talking Matt Mason only (does not "fly"). Ship. wt. 15 oz.
85 Y 7656 ...4.99

[4] STAR SEEKER by Mattel carries Matt Mason (or any Mattel astronaut, not incl.) on 100,000 different routes! Big 11- inches tall, it travels the course you set by moving the memory pegs into infinite number of positions. Astronaut rides above in control deck. Power turns off at end of mission. Plastic. Uses 2 "D" batteries (sold below).
85 Y 7655E - 4 lb. Mail....8.88

[5] MATTEL'S SEA DEVILS Set. Chuck Carter dives, swims, surfaces; wears wet suit, removable diving gear, flippers. Sea Jet propels him above or below water. Aqualander runs on land, in water with detachable motor. Uses 1 "AA" batt. (sold) below). 1 lb. 7 oz.
85 Y 7657 - Complete...5.97

Gamble-Aldens 1970 Christmas Catalog Page 82 Detail

John's Notes:

I had posted images of this catalog previously but then decided to provide something with better resolution and accompanying text. Hope you like the improvements.

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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