VENITE CON NOI! FARETE SCOPERTE ECCITANTI. - Come With Us! You'll Make Exciting Discoveries.
Seguite gli astronauti di Mattel e partecipate alle loro favolose esplorazioni! - Follow the Mattel astronauts and participate in their fabulous explorations!
Matt Mason e j suoi compagni possiedoro autentico equipaggiamento N.A.S.A. indossano vere tute spaziali hannto braccia e gambe mobili. - Matt Mason and his companions possess authentic N.A.S.A. equipment wear real space suits have movable arms and legs.
- See you in seven days
Mattel S.p.A.
In vendita nei migliori negozi di giocattoli. - On sale in the best toy shops.
Paul's Notes:
- Sergente Storm - Sergeant Storm
- Maggiore Matt Mason con il completo "Fortibraccia" - MMM with the "Strong arm" set
- Jeff Long con il completo "Viaggio spaziale" - Jeff Long with the "Space travel" set
John's Notes:
Once again, Storm gets the action shot...appears to be quite the ham for these photos! Also, once again, Jeff's visor is in shadow. It makes me wonder if Mattel Italy was trying to de-emphasize his race. I'm not too sure about the status of racial discrimination in Italy in the 60's, but this could be an indicator of the atmosphere during that time. Or, it could just be that Jeff's face is obscurer, both by the visor color or by the black-and-white nature of the ad. Comments anyone?
All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton or Paul Vreede.
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