I CORAGGIOSI ASTRONAUTI DI MATTEL PARTONO DAL CRATERE GAUSS...- The Courageous Mattel Astronauts Leave From The Gauss Crater...
...per una nuova, eccitante missione esplorativa. - ... for a new exciting mission of exploration.
Matt Mason e i suoi compagni possiedono autentico equipaggiamento N.A.S.A. indossano vere tute spaziali hanno braccia e gambe mobili. - Matt Mason and his companions possess authentic N.A.S.A. equipment, wear real space suits, have movable arms and legs.
- The next rendez-vous is in seven days.
Mattel S.p.A.
In vendita nei migliori negozi di giocattoli. - On sale in the best shops
Paul's Notes:
- Jeff Long e i conpicta "Difesi spaziale" artiglo presenci potente martello telescopio. - Jeff Long and the "Space Defense" suit - gripping claw and powerful telescopic hammer.
- Matt Mason con la "Tula spaziole" - traccia mobili - mani prensili - multi accessori tecnici. - Matt Mason with the "Space suit" - movable arms - gripping hands - many technical accessories.
- the lighting of the Earth again doesn't correspond with that of the foreground.
- I do not have a copy of the next ad in the campaign. The following issue of CdP featured a 52-page supplement with a complete comic story, missing from my copy. The ad must have been placed in the supplement, because there's none in the regular magazine. This makes sense from a commercial point of view, since the supplement will normally have been kept much longer than the magazine.
John's Notes:
I really like this shot, as it features both "capsule" suits, juxtaposed in the same frame once again in "action." We finally get a clear shot of Jeff in the Space Power Suit...is that a smirk I'm seeing on his face?...Oh, it must be my imagination!
All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton or Paul Vreede.
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