AVANTI! SEMPRE PIU LONTANO! ALLA SCOPERTA DEL MARE DELLE CRISI - FORWARDS! ALWAYS FURTHER AWAY! TO THE DISCOVERY OF THE SEA OF CRISESI coraggiosi astronauti di Mattel seguono Callisto verso una delle piĆ¹ eccitanti e misteriose plaghe lunari: il Mare delle Crisi. Matt Mason e i suoi compagni possiedono autentico equipaggiamento N.A.S.A: indossano vere tute spaziali hanno braccia e gambe mobili. In vendita nei Centri Astrospaziali Mattel e negli altri migliori negozi di giocattoli. - Mattel's brave astronauts follow Callisto to one of the most exciting and mysterious lunar areas: the Sea of Crisis. Matt Mason and his companions have authentic NASA equipment: they wear real spacesuits and have movable arms and legs. On sale in Mattel Astrospace Centres and other top toy stores.
Callisto con antenna spaziale - Callisto with space antenna
Sergente Storm su Cat Trac - Sergeant Storm on Cat Trac
Doug Davis
Jeff Long con cinepresa - Jeff Long with film camera
Matt Mason con martello lunare - Matt Mason with moon hammer
Paul's Notes:
Mare delle Crisi is the Moon's Mare Crisium in Italian
John's Notes:
I'm starting to notice some real inconsistencies with the Earth in the sky - the phases seem all wonky to me from ad to ad.
All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton or Paul Vreede.
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