SEGUITECI ALLA SCOPERTA DEI SEGRETI DEL CRATERE GOCLENIUS - Join in the Discovery of the Secrets of the Goclenius Crater
Gli astronauti di Mattel vi invitano ad unirvi a loco nella esplorazione piu eccitante dei nostri tempi.- The Mattel astronauts invite you to join them in the most exciting exploration of our times.
Matt Mason e suoi compagni possiedono autentico equipaggiomento NASA, indossano vere tute spaziali hanno braccia e gambe moblile. - Matt Mason and his companions possess authentic NASA equipment, wear real spacesuits, have moveable arms and legs.
- Don't miss the next rendez-vous in seven days in this magazine.
Mattel S.p.A.
In vendita nei migliori negozi di giocattoli. - On sale in the best toy shops.
Paul's Notes:
Picture features Maggiore Matt Mason, Sergente Storm, Jeff Long, Doug Davis & Reconojet, as well as:
- Completo "Viaggio spaziale" - Space travel set
- Rifugio spaziale - Space shelter
- Decontaminatore del completo "Sonda spaziale" - Decontaminator from Space Satellite set
* note the laser gun stuck in the handle on the side of the Reconojet.
John's Notes:
Certainly a lot of action in this ad! Mattel US could have learned a lot from looking at the way Italian directors positioned figures to portray movement. I especially like the way Storm is walking from the left carrying an item. I also think it's very cool that this ad shows Jeff using the Air Tank from the Space Shelter to inflate the portable structure.
All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton or Paul Vreede.
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