
SCOPRIAMO INSIEME CALLISTO IL MISTERIOSO ABITANTE DI GIOVE - Together Let's Discover Callisto the Mysterious Inhabitant of Jupiter

Il suo cranio trasparente rivela un cervello umanoide altamente sviluppato dotato di poteri mentali superiori - His transparent skull reveals a highly developed humanoid brain, gifted with superior mental powers.

L'antenna spaziale pub liberare il filo sensoriale retrattile. - The space antenna can emit a retractable sensor string.

Lo guardiamo surpresi: La sua pelle e verde! - Surprised, we look at him: his skin is green!

- Rendez-vous in seven days at the Gauss crater.

Mattel S.p.A.
In vendita nei migliori negozi di giocattoli.- On sale in the best toy shops.

Paul's Notes:

  1. Callisto con Antenna spaziale - Callisto with Space antenna
  2. Sergente Storm su Cat Trac - Sgt Storm on Cat Track
  3. Jeff Long con cinepresa - Jeff Long with movie camera

John's Notes:

This shot appears a little tight to me...and it's strange that in this instance, Storm's face is partially blocked by Callisto in the foreground. Also, you would think a couple of those weapons from the earlier ads would be raised, rather than just the camera (I know if an alien appeared with a weapon-looking contraption on his shoulder, shooting even a string, my Rotojet Gun would be raised!).  For once, Storm wasn't allowed to steal the shot!

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton or Paul Vreede.

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