Mattel S.A. International 1968 Sheet "V" - MATT MASON, L'HOMME DE L'ESPACE

Mattel International Sheet "V" - MATT MASON, L'HOMME DE L'ESPACE
Received this recently from France - it appears to be page 5 ("V" at the bottom) of an unknown number of pages produced, I believe, by Mattel International for the French speaking market, probably as loose pages (the back has Mattel Skediddle Kiddles (KIDOUNETTE-TROTTINETTE UNE MARCHEUSE INFATIGABLE) with a page "VI" at the bottom).

Translations by Paul Vreede:


Voici le jouet qui appartient déjà au XXI‘ siècle. Le Major Matt Mason, comme son ami le sergent Storm, est un cosmonaute. Le rêve de tous les garçons. Ses missions le conduisent dans l'espace interstellaire. Combinaison, scaphandre, scooter de l'espace, fusée, capsules, base spatiale, véhicules lunaires, tout cet équipement permet aux enfants de reconstituer de véritables stations de l'espace.

Des heures passionnantes passées à l'exploration des planètes inconnues...
Major Matt Mason ou sergent Storm à partir de 22 F.
Véhicule lunaire électrique 70 F.
Base spatiale hauteur 70 cm 100 F.


Here’s the toy which already belongs to the 21st century. Major Matt Mason, like his friend Sergeant Storm, is a cosmonaut. The dream of all boys. His missions drive him to interstellar space.

Exciting hours spent in the exploration of unknown planets…
Major Matt Mason or sergeant Storm from 22 F.
Electric lunar vehicle 70 F.
Space base height 70 cm 100 F.

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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