Pat LeBlanc's Skylab (Marooned Version aka Lunar Gateway)

Pat LeBlanc's Skylab (Marooned Version aka Lunar Gateway)

Submitted 2020.04.29 by Pat LeBlanc

Pat LeBlanc creates a Major Matt Mason scale version of Skylab, using the version used in the movie "Marooned" referred to as Lunar Gateway.

Imagine a 1/12 scale Skylab (hanging on a wall): it would be 8 feet long and 5 feet high.  Original Space Stations are shown for scale.

Skylab in MMM Scale

Back in December (before I started working on the Apollo CSM), I posted about how big Skylab would have been  compared to the MMM Space Station.  Now that the CSM is complete, I thought I would sketch out Skylab (actually more like the station in "Marooned") in the same 1/12 scale.  

Pat LeBlanc's Skylab (Marooned Version aka Lunar Gateway)

OK, I couldn't help myself.  I've been working on this for about eight weeks.  It is a mashup of Skylab and the orbital workshop from "Marooned".  It is the Lunar Gateway.  The major diameter is 21.5".  It is composed of 4 modules that slip into each other (from top to bottom): Multiple Docking Adaptor, Airlock Module, Orbital Workshop and Waste/radiator.  When complete it will be 82.5" long (1/12 scale of Skylab) and will be docked to my Apollo CSM.

Matt looking over one of the status displays (ST TNG style LCARS).
Jeff looking over another of the status displays.
Pat LeBlanc's Skylab (Marooned Version aka Lunar Gateway)
Two original Space Station floors are joined with a piece of plywood to make each of the two decks in the Orbital Workshop.
A test fit of the decks with the aluminum flashing used for the outer "skin".
Remember the video of one of the Skylab astronauts running around the inside?
Interior lighting of the lower deck. The bathroom and sleeping compartment walls are Corflute (plastic sign material).
The upper deck of the workshop area with backlit status displays. Water tanks form a ring around the upper area.
The middle two modules mounted on a wall.
Another view of the workshop and airlock modules mounted on a wall.
One more time.
Progress shot of the waste/radiator and multiple docking adaptor modules with Matt for scale.

Getting close! I will add a few more details but this gives you an idea of how big things get at MMM's 1/12 scale. It is 82.5" (6'-10.5") tall.

A collage of the Multiple Docking Adaptor showing the red and green acquisition lights and the Gateway emblem.
Here is the station mounted horizontally
A closeup of one of the hatches in the Airlock Module.

Back in July I finished this Skylab/Marooned mashup but didn't have anywhere to display it.  Now it has an indoor home (that wall is 11 feet wide) in what will be my MMM room.

Pat LeBlanc's Skylab (Marooned Version aka Lunar Gateway)
Pat LeBlanc's Skylab (Marooned Version aka Lunar Gateway)
Here is a brief video of the Skylab.  I've got another camera that may do better.

You can reach Pat LeBlanc on Facebook, he's also an active member of the MAJOR MATT MASON Facebook group.

Should anybody reading this have any similar information, additions or corrections, then we would very much appreciate hearing about them.

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