Simpsons-Sears Christmas 1968 Catalog

Simpsons-Sears Christmas 1968 Catalog Cover
In 1968 Simpsons-Sears arranges to have their own exclusive Major MATT MASON set - the Astro-Trac Gift set. Once again the good Major warrants two-thirds of a page and there's a second surprise, the Major Matt Mason Locker Set.

Simpsons-Sears Christmas 1968 Catalog Pg 81


A. Space Cannon - battery-powered transport. 16 1⁄2 x 9" plastic unit releases beams while radar antenna scans solar system. Radar screen flashes light. Cannon emits sound, rotates 360°. Barrel blazes. Takes 2 'D' batteries (not included) - see below.
49 N 38 025 - Delivered...8.98 

B. Captain Lazer, Mason's space friend. Fully jointed vinyl figure has flashing eye beams. lazer sound, removable 3-D space helmet, solar reactor, etc. 12" tall. Takes 2 'A' batteries (not incl.) - see below.
49 N 38 022 - Delivered...6.99

C. Space Crawler - battery-operated all-purpose vehicle for rough terrain. Has winch to hoist material. Gearshift. Rotating legs. Plastic. 12" long. Takes 2 'D' batteries (not included) - see below.
49 N 38 149 - Doll not incl...7.99 

D. Major Matt Mason Gift Set - includes plastic Astro Trak, a rugged mobile explorer with astro-traction rear wheels - space designed: launching pad, satellite launch pak. Matt Mason, Sgt. Storm.
49 N 38019 - Set, del'd...12.99

Major Matt Mason. 6" tall.
49 N 38 020 - Delivered...2.99

Astro Trak takes 1 'D' battery (not incl.).
49 N 38 031 - 9%1⁄2" long...5.99

Sergeant Storm in flight suit. 6" tall.
49 N 38 021 - Delivered...2.99

Set of 4 'D' Cell Batteries.
49 N 39 600 - Set, del'd...72c

Set of 6 'A' Penlight Batteries.
49 N 39 602 - Set, del'd...72c

E. Major Matt Mason Locker Set with clear vinyl window showcase - includes Matt Mason in his space suit in one of 3 sections-room to store Sgt. Storm and space gear (not included). Washable.
49 N 38 032 - 12x 7" high. Set...4.99

John's Notes

We've known about the Astro Trac Gift Set (called Major Matt Mason Gift Set in the ad) for a while. I've also come across the Major Matt Mason Locker Set in another catalog in the past. The way it's described here it may have just been a bagged figure with helmet added to the locker. As with the former no Mattel Canada specific catalog has surfaced and exclusives tend to be excluded. Hopefully we'll get more clarity on these in the future.

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