Toy Story - Brent Jackson


 Posted to the MMM Facebook Group 2021.12.03

MAJOR MATT MASON by Brent Jackson

So, I am new here and thought I would tell my story. If the admins do not like it, then of course they are free to delete it. When I was a child all I ever wanted was to be was an astronaut, I watched everything on TV about space and yes; I watched the moon landing in 69! For Christmas in 67 I finally got the Major Matt Mason set of my dreams. The station, the crawler, Matt, Sgt. Storm, Callisto, and so much more. I loved it, and played with it everyday imagining I was on the moon with Matt. I was six at the time, but when I turned seven my father boxed up everything MMM that I had and said I had enjoyed it enough, and we needed to give it to my cousins who were not so fortunate, and then it was all gone. I wasn’t allowed to keep anything. 

Through the years I thought of the wonderful set I had for a year and knew it was missing in my life. Through Facebook and eBay I have been able to capture some of that magic back that I lost. I don’t have fancy mint figures or brand-new machines as you all do. I must buy what I can now and try to make it look presentable. My wife doesn’t really understand my obsession with MMM, but I hope you all do. No, I never became an astronaut, I had ADD so I couldn’t do the math, but my love of MMM never faltered, and so few other people knew of MMM. So now I try to capture some of that magic from my childhood and hope I can collect just a few things to give me back what I lost all those years ago.

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