- 10/28/06...Added Scorpio Design Patent to the - Mattel Major Matt Mason Patents page.
- 09/15/06...Added images and details of Pat Leblanc's Mattel Astrospace Center Capsule!
- 08/03/06...Added images and details of Gary Cambridge's Canadian Version Space Station Space Crawler Super Action Set.
- 02/04/05...Added a brand new page detailing the latest Major Matt Mason find - Mattel Major Matt Mason Patents.
- 11/04/04...Uploaded new images of Heiner's collection in the MMM Resources: Collections area of the site, plus pics of some figures with original production Eagle models from Martin Gainsford in the MMM Resources: Bonus area.
- 06/17/04...Uploaded new images and text of Pat LeBlanc's Mercury Capsule Project in the MMM Resources: Customs area of the site.
- 05/23/04...Uploaded pics and details of the Shippam's Spreadables (UK) Promotion
- 05/09/04...Uploaded pics and details of the Rosebud Mattel (UK) Space Bubble
- 01/26/04...Uploaded pics of Heiner's collection and art in the MMM Fun Stuff: Collections and MMM Fun Stuff: Photos areas of the site.
- 06/24/03...Uploaded the Fifth (and Final) Installment of new images/text of Pat LeBlanc's Lunar Module Project in the MMM Resources: Customs area of the site.
- 06/06/03...Uploaded the Fourth Installment of new images/text of Pat LeBlanc's Lunar Module Project in the MMM Resources: Customs area of the site.
- 05/22/03...Uploaded the Third Installment of new images/text of Pat LeBlanc's Lunar Module Project in the MMM Resources: Customs area of the site.
- 05/16/03...Upadated the MMM Playset pages by introducing a quicker index-style listing, with all new images and content! Look here: MMM Playset Index
- 04/27/03...Uploaded the Second Installment of new images/text of Pat LeBlanc's Lunar Module Project in the MMM Resources: Customs area of the site.
- 03/22/03...Uploaded new images and text of Pat LeBlanc's Lunar Module Project in the MMM Resources: Customs area of the site.
- 02/15/03...Uploaded the 1968 Neuheiten Catalog in the German MMM area of the site.
- 02/10/03...Uploaded the Instruction and Sticker Sheets for the Canon Espacial in the MMM Mexican: Canon Espacial Page. Also uploaded Instructions for the Estacion Espacial and the Camara Antigravidad.
- 02/08/03...Uploaded new images and text of Pat LeBlanc's Orbital Space Station in the MMM Resources: Customs area of the site. Also added images and text of Gary Dawson's collection in the MMM Resources: Bonus area of the site.
- 01/29/03...Uploaded pics from Rick Porters fantastic collection to the Collections area of the site.
- 01/19/03...Uploaded the very rare Capt. Lazer Firebolt Action Set Instructions to the Instructions area of the site.
- 01/01/03...Uploaded the German version of Captain Laser in the German MMM area of the site.
- 12/31/02...Uploaded the German version of the 6 panel Insert Catalog in the German MMM area of the site.
- 12/28/02...Completed the upload of all remaining Mattel Retailer Catalog scans in the MMM Misc: Catalogs area of the site.
- 12/27/02...Uploaded Pat LeBlanc's take on the Lunar Rover in the MMM Resources: Customs area of the site. Also uploaded 1969 Mattel Retailer Catalog scans in the MMM Misc: Catalogs area of the site.
- 12/18/02...Uploaded a new page featuring Mattel Retailer Catalog scans in the MMM Misc: Catalogs area of the site.
- 12/16/02...Uploaded images of Pat LeBlanc's Orbital Space Station in the MMM Resources: Customs area of the site.
- 07/10/02...Uploaded a new page on Talking Command Console Repair/Restoration in the MMM Resources area of the site.
- 06/04/02...Uploaded a new page on the MMM Cake Topper in the MMM Misc: Knock-Offs area of the site.
- 05/20/02...Uploaded a new page on Frank May's Custom Space Rover and Space Mobile in the MMM Resources area of the site.
- 05/08/02...Uploaded a page on Space Crawler restoration in the MMM Resources area of the site.
- 05/03/02...Uploaded some new replacement/reproduction part sources in the MMM Resources area of the site.
- 04/22/02...Uploaded a segment on the creation of a Custom Lifting Body, by Pat Leblanc in the MMM Customization area of the site.
All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2022 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.
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