KO Marx Colonel Hap Hazard

Marx Colonel 'Hap' Hazard
At some point every MMM collector has come up on this strange figure - I own several examples. It's often listed as a Major Matt Mason and I believe it was made available in more than one packaging variation. The image above was sent to me at some point in the 2000s - not sure who took the original image. I've come to call the figure Hap Hazard for lack of a better label.

Loose Hap Hazard Figure

The figure stands about 5 inches tall and has a removable helmet (it has two tabs that fit into slots in the shoulders). The arms and waist are jointed and the head can be spun on the neck, as can the booted feet. It comes with an array of somewhat bizarre accessories, I believe glommed from various Marx figure sets, including: Pistol with scope and silencer, a handheld radio, diving knife, diving tanks, working compass, camera and a pistol with a large trigger guard.

The card reads: "COLONEL 'HAP' Hazard - The All-action spaceman with accessories by Marx" and "with movable arms -legs -body -head"

Generic "Apollo" Astronaut card

John's Notes:

  1. As mentioned, this figure is often found in era collections of MMM figures and accessories
  2. As above, the various guns, tanks, etc are also often found with MMM bits
  3. At one time some of the bits were claimed to be MMM prototypes but this is obviously not the case.
  4. This figure was copied in Mexico and can be found with a helmet. The basic body became the base-body for several hard-plastic figures including a figure with a gorilla head and another with a Callisto head! There's also a Mexico bootleg jiggler of Callisto (called Crypton).

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2023 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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