Simpsons-Sears Department Store Catalogs

Simpsons-Sears MAC Exclusive

Simpsons-Sears really blows away any competition in Canada in regards to their holiday catalogs - both for the breadth of offering and the Exclusives.

Simpsons-Sears Christmas 1967

Simpsons-Sears debut of the good Major includes a "Major Matt Mason Gift Set" that appears unique to the venerable Department store.

Simpsons-Sears Christmas 1968

The 1968 Catalog introduces the Astro-Trac Gift Set, a Simpsons-Sears exclusive.

Simpsons-Sears Christmas 1969

For 1969 Simpsons-Sears includes the MAC kit (including the cap!) as a Bonus for purchasing Deluxe MMM sets!

1969.10.14 Le Soleil Page 48 Simpsons-Sears Holiday Ad

Simpson-Sears holiday ad in Le Solei 1969.

Simpsons-Sears Christmas 1970

Sadly, by 1970 Major Matt Mason is relegated to the bottom edge of a page.

All Mattel images and captions are copyright Mattel and used without permission. All other content, including images and editorial, is Copyright © 1997-2024 John Eaton and/or contributors unless otherwise stated. If there are any comments or objections, please contact John Eaton.

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